
Star Wheel

Manipulating Conveyors :

Star wheel conveyors are available in either backpressure driven or logic driven models. The backpressure models require a back pressure conveyor feeding the wheel which drives the cartons into the load position and creates an upward force, opening the wheel to the next carton. As the wheel moves to the unload position, the star points slightly push the carton out of the way onto a dead plate configured to allow for the star fit and settling of the carton. Carton stability can be controlled with transition hold downs or railing.

The logic model is used for high speed applications or areas where the in feed conveyor has limitations. In this application, sensors are required to signal the star wheel drive motor to sequence as long as a minimum/maximum sensors are satisfied. A downstream back up eye is also required.

Star wheel construction is made of uhmw or composite material. Some applications may require 3 stars. For operating multiple sizes, change part stars are available as well as slide in complete start assemblies. In feed conveyors may require height adjustments.




Baking Dairy Paper
Beverage Food Pharmaceutical
Confectionery Industrial Warehouse Distrubution
Star Wheel